miércoles, 31 de enero de 2007


During thousands of years, with few exceptions the woman has been submitted and dominated by the man, who restricts her rights and freedoms, as well as them tramples and humiliates her personality and pride.
The history demonstrates us like in Europe and in the whole world the woman was despised, one was treating her without giving he any importance, the wise persons and philosophers were discussing her, if she was possessing soul or not, and in case of having soul ¿ she would be human or animal? And supposing that if she possesses a human, at the time soul, her social position as for the man, it is the position of the slaves, or is a bit higher than they?
In other civilizations as that of the Roman Empire that it includes almost ten centuries, years 500 before our age up to 476 of our age, the woman was in a permanent guardianship of her father or of her husband, the woman could not without help or previous assent of the tutor to choose her future husband or to marry, could not have her goods, to test or to exercise any activity either.
This situation of the woman continued in a lot of time, without no practical change existed, approximately until the year 1900 a woman had difficultly some right, the worst catastrophe that has affected the woman, when came with the Industrial Revolution, they were exploited for being more barters as workers that the man.
Between the principal achievements in the emancipation of the woman it was the legislation of 1882, by means of which there were decreed, that in forward the women of Great Britain would enjoy the privilege without precedents of remaining the money that they were gaining.
In our times we see as the woman, atraves of thousands of deceptions and frauds for auditory, visual, psychological, sensory, aesthetic, artistic and banal means, they use her existence to persuade the consumers to acquire unnecessarily products, staining her honor and dignity. We see since it is undressed in almanacs, magazines, reigns of beauty, advertising fences, in programs of television and in prostíbulos in general. The woman inside the social current way, has fallen down in a such irrespeto that only looks at her from a material point of view, we see since a person he invites to his home to a friend and this one to the first lacking opportunity the respect to her daughters, to his wife or to his mother.

Some persons who do not know the reality of the Islam, or who knowing her and then intentionally they try to conceal just couple to turn aside the people of the knowledge of the Islam, they say that the Islam is an enemy of the woman, who degrades her dignity and humiliates her pride, and level leaves her even more near the purely animal condition, which only is a sensual possession for the man and an instrument to generate, of such luck that the woman is in a position low than the man and dominated by he. Another more false thing does not exist and out of the reality that this affirmation, who like that says it ignores totally the Islamic procedure. God all-powerful in the Islam for more than 14 centuries, by means of the Sacred Koran declares the equality of men and women in the life, the honor, the dignity and in the society in general, respecting the goods of both , God says to us that the goods of all the persons are sacred and therefore she is prohibited to reduce directly or indirectly, all these rights are common to men and women without any distinction.
In the Sacred Koran, all-powerful God teaches this equality to us between the man and the woman, not only because us she arranges it of a clear way, but also since in many Nannies God refers both to the woman and to the man in her rights and obligations without doing distinction. We see to the Sura 33, Nanny 35: " God has prepared pardon and magnificent remuneration for the Muslims and the Muslims, the believers and the believers, the devout ones and the devout ones, the sincere ones and the sincere ones, the patients and patient, the humble ones and the humble ones, that and which give alms, that and those who fast, the chaste ones and the castes, that and those who remember very much God ". Also in the Sacred Koran God they dedicated an entire chapter Sura number 4, him giving for name " The Women ". Many volumes would be needed, to analyze all the kindnesses and rights that God has given her the woman in the Islam it she does more than 14 centuries and that are written in the Sacred Koran and the Hadices of the Prophet - La Paz peace and God's benedictions are with him.

It is important to highlight that the woman before the Revelation of the Sacred Koran, did not have the right to choose her future husband, they were the parents of her who were choosing it and she had to agree this way not out of his pleasure, but from the Revelation of the Sacred Koran (1,413 years ago). The woman is who chooses or pushes back the man with whom she wants to form her home (this right was conquered by the woman very much later in other societies).
The Islam, she considers an extremely serious commitment to be the marriage, because of it the spouses must strain for achieving a comprehension and general stability of pair, there are not allowed in the Islam the marriages of test, of certain duration, the Prophet (La paz and God's benedictions are always with him declared that the men are condemned and women who have a good time changing frequently spouse, that they enjoy pair in a time, and then they change her into other one, later into one third and like that successively. Also he is extremely serious and condemnable to the eyes of God and of the men the adultery or the fornication, because of it the Muslim never realizes such an act and his life her dedicates to their home and to his wife, always this remembering the consequences of this act that it brings I obtain the disintegration of the family, the venereal diseases, the immorality and the criminality.

The Prophet (La paz and God's benedictions should be with him) managed to affirm that the best Muslim is that one that better behaves with his family, and that the major one and more blessed I enjoy the life she is in a good and straight wife, because of it the Muslim devotes himself to his wife and there follows the indications of the Sacred Koran and the Sunnah of the Prophet (La paz and God's benedictions are with him) that arrange the gentility with his wife, it is a duty of the husband to harmonize with his wife of equitable and nice way, fulfilling the divine mandate, it is his responsibility in the entire maintenance of the woman, who must expire happy without reproaches, damages or condescesions. This maintenance implies giving housing to him, dressing her, to feed her, to give her attention and well-being in general in agreement to his means and way of life.
Besides the Muslim must treat his wife fairly, to respect her feelings, object of gentilities to do her and consideration. She has not to the woman to receive any ill-will on the part of the husband, not even to be does not even submit to anxieties or uncertainties. The Muslim also remembers the last sermon of the Prophet (La paz and God's benedictions are always with him) when during the peregrination he said between another things: " you! You have right on yours wife and yours wife they have right on you. Treat yours wife with love and gentility. It is true you have taken heras God's order and have made her legitimate with God's word. Be always faithful to the order that she entrusts to you and avoid the sins ".

Besides the previous brief exhibition, on the meaning of the marriage in the Islam, we do emphasis in which it is solemn, sacred, in that God intervenes as the first witness and the first part, he subscribes in His name, in obedience to God and in agreement with his mandates. Therefore it is not a simple civil or commercial contract in which material benefits and obligations are evaluated opposed between yes.
The Muslim from the moment in which he or she marries, knows that it is a permanent relation and of continuous harmony not only between the man and the woman, but also between these and God. The divorce is the last resource to which the pairmust come if there exist very serious obstacles that do not allow the reconciliation the Prophet (La paz and God's benedictions are with him), describes it as the most detestable thing of all the legitimate means to God's eyes. To come to the divorce both the man and the woman they must expire with the following steps:
1. Both affected parts must try to solve theirs disputes between yes, treating the topic of the best way.
2. If they do not obtain it, two umpires must take charge, one of the family of the husband and other one of the family of the wife who will try to put peace between them and to tackle theirs differences, if this fails it theirs comes 3er. I happen.
3. The divorce is applied. The Islamic Law needs that it is accepted on both parts and that it is granted with dignity and with the due respect.

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