domingo, 24 de diciembre de 2006

Mujeres en la sociedad contemporánea - La escalera de las desigualdades

La CDN ( ha organizado dentro de la campaña Todos diferentes, todos iguales, un seminario sobre género con el título de La mujer en la sociedad contemporánea: La escalera de las desigualdades. El grupo de preparadores del seminario acaba de lanzar la convocatoria de participantes, que os copio abajo. Para cualquier interesado que no haya recibido el mail con los documentos adjuntos, poneros en contacto con carolina [arroba]

Dear friends,CDN – Cooperation and Development Network Eastern Europe (<>_) is announcing a call for the participants ofthe seminar *»**Women in contemporary society – the ladder ofinequalities«. *This event will take place from 1^th to 7^th of April2007 /Belgrade,* *Serbia/.The seminar is part of the European Youth Campaign for Diversity, HumanRights and Participation “All Different, All Equal”(<>_). This event has been, so far,financially supported by the Council of Europe, European YouthFoundation and the Green Forum, Sweden.Please find bellow the call for the participants and the application form.*DEADLINE for submitting the application to is20th of January 2007 at 14.00 CET.

***With Best regards,Stevan Petrovic
Network Coordinator/CDN-Cooperation and Development Network Eastern Europe/Address: Ljubinke Bobic 21, 11070 Novi Beograd, Serbia and MontenegroTelephone: +381 11 323 9486, Mob: +381 63 34 68 54, Fax: 381 11 323 9486E mail: _office@cdnee.org_, web site: _www.cdnee.org_

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